Skin Care

Find the Perfect Facial Treatment

A woman getting microdermabrasion treatment on her face
Glow Up

Our Facial Treatments

Trust us to make you look and feel younger, more refreshed, and more radiant. Facial treatments can help your skin heal, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, unclog your pores, revitalize your appearance, and much more.

Your skin deserves the best. At Elite Laser Esthetics, we are dedicated to high quality facial treatments that get results. Sit down with our team in our relaxing and professional environment and learn about how we can leave you feeling renewed, reinvigorated, and more confident.

Whether you’re looking for skin care treatment, carbon laser peels, microdermabrasion, IPL treatment, or a laser facial in Miami, we’re the right choice..

A woman getting peel facial
A woman getting chemical peel facial
A woman holding a cucumber on her eyes as she wears a facial mask

The Benefits of Facial Treatments

There are many reasons to get facial treatments. Not only can they leave your skin looking fresher, younger, and more radiant, but they can boost your confidence as well. We want you to leave our spa feeling and looking better than you have in years.

We can also help treat issues such as scarring, uneven skin tone, age spots, sun damage, and much more. Our experienced and knowledgeable team can talk to you about the available options and how they can best help you deal with whatever skin situations you may have.

Whether you’re looking for a facial in the Doral, FL area, or anywhere in and around Miami, we’re the right choice. We proudly serve the Miami area as well as Miami Lakes, Hialeah, Doral, Weston, and beyond..

Feel the



Facials & Skin Care Treatment

As an experienced facial specialist in Miami, you can trust us to deliver treatments and services that work. We will talk to you about your skin issues and help you discover the skin care treatment options that will work best for you.

Depending on your skin type, your problem areas, and any skin conditions you may have, we will find the treatment that leaves you feeling relaxed, renewed, and refreshed.

Whether you’re looking for deep cleaning, acne treatment, anti-aging treatments, moisturizing treatments, firming and restoring, and just about anything else, we have solutions that work. Talk to our expert team today.

A woman getting a facial mask put on her face
  • What facial and skin care options do you offer?

    We offer a variety of different facial and skincare options aimed at cleansing your skin, unclogging your pores, stimulating collagen growth, preventing the appearance of fine wrinkles, and much more. We’re the right choice for you!

    A standard facial includes steam, facemasks, exfoliation, cleansing, a facial massage, and the application of a variety of creams and lotions chosen by our expert team and based on your skin type and your personal situation. There is no “one size fits all” solution. We customize each facial based on you. 

    Whether you’re looking for firming and restoring, wrinkle prevention, hydration, or anything else, we’re here to help you look and feel great. 

  • What experience do you have?

    Our team has more than 14 years of experience in providing facial treatments, skincare solutions, and esthetics. Not only have we won awards for our services, but we’ve also built a loyal following of satisfied customers.

    Our focus on professionalism and service is a big reason why. We always aim to give you the personalized services you deserve and the results you’re looking for. It is our goal to help you look and feel your best.

    Talk to our team about any conditions or trouble areas you have with your skin. We’ll recommend options based on our extensive experience. 

  • How do I know which skin care option is right for me?

    Each person is unique, and that means each person’s skin is unique. You may have dry skin or oily skin. You could have trouble zones or conditions that are bothering you. You may want to focus on anti-aging or you might be more interested in smoothness and hydration. Whatever your situation and whatever you’re goals, we are here for you.

    When you meet with our team, we will discuss your situation and what you’re looking for. We will then make personalized recommendations for you. It’s then entirely your decision how you’d like to proceed. We’ll always be polite, professional, respectful, and helpful. That’s our guarantee. 

  • What can I expect when I visit?

    We have designed our facial spa to be exactly the right combination of relaxing and professional. This is a place where you shouldn’t feel any stress or worry. We want your facial or skincare treatment to be truly soothing and enjoyable. 

    We also understand the vital importance of professionalism and support. Our team will work with you to find the right options for your skin, and use our extensive knowledge to answer any questions you have. We want you to not only feel perfectly comfortable at our location, but we also want you to feel welcomed and cared for. 

  • How do your facial and skin treatment options work?

    If this is your first time getting a facial or skin treatment with us, we will talk to you about the available options and help you choose the right one for you. Our facial options include Microdermabrasion, IPL, LED Lights, and Hidrojelly Masks.

    Our team will ensure that you understand each of these treatments and suggest options based on your personal situation. We know that there isn’t one facial treatment for everyone. Depending on your skin type, your condition, and more, we will help you find the right solution. It is always our goal to ensure that each of our customers is happy, satisfied, and thrilled with the facial treatment they receive. 

  • Why should I choose your facial spa?

    The first reason that many customers choose us is because of our extensive experience. Our team has provided facials, skin treatment, and esthetics for more than 14 years. We understand what it takes to leave your skin looking and feeling its best.

    Another main reason for choosing our team is that we strive to offer reasonable prices for our services. Great skin shouldn’t be an unreachable luxury. It should be accessible and available without hurting your wallet.

    However, the reason that customers continue to trust us with their skincare is because of our focus and dedication to offering personalized services and truly caring about everyone who comes to us for treatment. These values set us apart from the rest.

  • Which treatment is the right choice for me?

    Each person’s skin is unique. Your skin type, your concerns, and your situation are different from everyone else’s. We understand this and know that there isn’t a single treatment option that is best for everyone.

    When you meet with us, we will talk with you to learn more about your situation, your trouble areas, and more. We will then answer any questions you may have and help you choose the right option for your situation.

    Customer service is very important to us, and we will help you get the results you’re looking for in any way we can.

  • How often should I receive facial treatments?

    How often you should receive facial treatments will depend on several factors, including the type of treatment, your skin type, your skin tone, the conditions or issues you wish to treat, and much more.

    When you visit Elite Laser Esthetics, we will help you understand the entire process for the treatment of your choice. This means we’ll let you know exactly when you can expect to see results, how long these results should last, how often you should receive treatments, and much more. 

    We always strive to give our customers all the information they need so they leave perfectly satisfied and happy. 

Facial Add-ons & Skin Treatment

We want you to look and feel your best. When you come into our spa, it is our goal to help you find the right facial treatments to accomplish that goal. With years of experience, we have helped many people improve their skin using microdermabrasion to IPL treatments, and much more.

Whether you’re dealing with scarring, sun damage, wrinkles and fine lines, or any other issues, we have a solution that will work for you.

Your skin is the largest organ on your body, so it’s important that you take care of it. That’s why we’re here. Our experts will give you the facial and skin treatments you’re looking for in a professional and comfortable environment.

A woman getting a facial service

Carbon Laser Peel

A carbon laser peel can help improve the appearance of your skin. It’s a popular and effective treatment for those who are dealing with enlarged pores, oily skin, uneven skin tone issues, acne, and more.

The process is minimally invasive, so there isn’t a significant recovery time. A carbon laser peel works to deeply exfoliate your skin and stimulate collagen production, which can leave your skin looking younger and more refreshed.

Talk to our team about how a carbon laser peel works and how this treatment can help you get smoother, more even, and younger looking skin. We’re here to help..

A woman getting carbon laser peel facial treatment
  • How does a carbon laser peel work?

    The process starts with the application of a carbon lotion. This sits on your face for several minutes, exfoliating your skin. As it dries, it bonds with contaminants on the surface of your skin.

    In many cases, a warming laser will then heat the lotion, causing it to absorb impurities. A pulsed laser will then be used to break down the carbon and stimulate collagen and elastin production in your skin. 

    A carbon laser peel can treat acne, oily skin, enlarged pores, and more. Following treatment, your skin will look younger, more refreshed, and more even. It will also eliminate oil, debris, and bacteria in your pores, which are common causes of acne. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    In general, a carbon laser peel is entirely non-invasive and a very mild process. For most people, there will not be any side effects at all. Some may experience minor tingling or slight redness of the skin, but these effects should go away on their own in a short time.

    Our team will help you understand if there are any recommended steps to take following the treatment, but in general, you should be able to leave our site and resume your life without any interruptions. This makes carbon laser peels quite popular options when it comes to refreshing and renewing your skin. 

  • How many sessions do I need?

    You will likely notice some results after one session. Many people feel more refreshed and renewed after their first treatment. However, to maximize the benefits and get the full results, it may be recommended to take several treatments.

    In many cases, four to six treatments spaced many weeks apart will help you get the most from the carbon laser peel treatment. However, this depends on several factors, such as your skin type, your condition, and more. We will talk to you about the entire process before we begin and make sure you have all the information you need, including how many treatments we recommend, right away. 

  • How do I know if this is the right option for me?

    As mentioned, each person is unique and each skin situation is unique. Though many people experience great benefits from a carbon laser peel, the right treatment for you is based on several factors. 

    When you arrive at our site, we’ll sit with you and learn more about you. We want to know more about your situation, what you’d like to improve with your skin, your goals, and more. We’ll also work to understand your skin type and any other issues you may have. Once we have all this information, we can recommend treatment options that will work best for you. 

  • How does a chemical peel work?

    The solution used in a chemical peel is designed to gently remove the top layers of your skin. The skin underneath will grow to be softer, smoother, and more even. The process can also stimulate collagen production. Collagen makes your skin softer and more supple. 

    The exfoliating solution gently removes dead skin cells, so that new skin can grow. This procedure can also improve the appearance of sunspots and other blemishes. Fine lines, certain types of scarring, rough skin, and other conditions can also be improved through the process. We can help you understand how your skin may benefit from a chemical peel. 

  • Does it hurt?

    There are different levels of chemical peels (light, medium, and deep) and each one works best for certain situations. The type of peel will depend on your skin type, your skin tone, and the issues you’re addressing with the procedure.

    Light and medium chemical peels may result in some discomfort, such as stinging, tingling, or a slight burning sensation. These feelings will subside when the procedure is complete. 

    You may experience some redness and sensitivity following the process. These are normal reactions and will typically only last a few days, or potentially a few weeks for deeper peels. By properly caring for your skin following the treatment, you can achieve long-lasting, great-looking skin. 

  • What else should I know about the process?

    As mentioned, your skin may be sensitive to the sun. Therefore, it’s often recommended to avoid direct sun exposure following the treatment. Avoiding the sun before the procedure may also be beneficial. We can help you understand the best actions to take before and after your chemical peel.

    Our experienced team will make sure that you’re provided the best care when you visit us. We will give you all the pre-care and post-care information you need so that you receive the best possible results from your treatment. 

    Providing excellent service to our customers is our top priority. If you have any questions, be sure to ask us and we’ll be more than happy to help. 

  • How long does the treatment take?

    The length of the treatment will depend on the type of peel you receive. A light chemical peel will naturally take less time than a deep procedure. For light peels, the process itself is typically quite quick. However, most who receive a light peel will require several sessions to see maximum results.

    You may need 4 to 6 light peels, spaced apart by about one or two months, to get the results you’re looking for. When you come to our site, we’ll help you choose the right procedure and let you know the time and number of sessions that it will likely take. Successful results are just as important to us as they are to you, so we want to make sure that you’re happy and satisfied with every step of the process. 

Chemical Peeling

A chemical peel is designed to treat wrinkles, scars, and discolored skin. During the process, chemicals are expertly applied to the face to remove the top layer. The skin that is underneath will be softer, smoother, and more even.

Working with experts is crucial during all facial treatments, including chemical peels. We have years of experience at helping people achieve smoother, fresher, and younger skin. You can trust us to use the utmost care, diligence, and attention when working with your skin.

You’ll leave looking and feeling better than you have in years! Contact us today to arrange for a consultation, to speak with a member of our team, or to book an appointment.

Picture of a woman getting ready for a chemical peel

Glow Facial Treatment

BB Glow treatment involves injecting a serum into your skin during the microneedling process. This treatment is designed to unclog your pores, clear up your skin, and reduce the effects of aging.

If you’re looking for brighter, more radiant, and more even skin, this could be the right option for you! It can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while helping with skin discoloration issues and other concerns. You’ll love how your skin looks after this treatment!

As a semi-permanent option, the results can last for months, helping you feel refreshed and more confident in your everyday life. Talk to our team about how glow facial treatments can help you.

A woman getting a glow facial treatment
  • What makes Glow facial treatments work?

    The process involves using a tinted serum that is applied to the skin through a microneedling process. The serum penetrates the top layer of the skin, evening out the tone and minimizing the appearance of blemishes, discoloration, dark circles, and more.

    There are several benefits to BB Glow Facial Treatments. The first, as mentioned, is that your skin will appear more even and youthful.

    In addition, the process stimulates collagen production. Collagen keeps our skin looking soft and elastic. However, as we age, our bodies produce less of it. By increasing the production of collagen in your skin, you’ll look and feel younger and healthier. 

  • How long does treatment take?

    Including preparation time, a BB Glow session could take up to one hour. This will depend on a few factors, however, such as your skin tone and the type of condition you hope to improve. 

    Most people will need at least two treatment sessions to achieve the results they’re looking for. However, based on your situation, it may be recommended to complete 3 to 6 sessions in some cases. There are usually 2 to 4 weeks between each session.

    Many will experience results shortly after their first session, but you will receive longer-lasting results by completing subsequent sessions. As this is a semipermanent solution, you should continue to see results for up to six months (and potentially even longer) with proper care. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    For the vast majority of people, there are little to no side effects. There is usually no downtime or recovery time after a session, and you should be able to resume your normal activities afterward. There is typically no discomfort felt during the session as well.

    Some people may experience some mild skin redness, but this is typically only in those who have sensitive skin. It is recommended to wear sunscreen on the area and to stay away from direct sunlight or high heat for at least 72 hours following a session. You will also want to avoid swimming or any activities that could cause you to sweat profusely during this time. Our team will let you know the best post-care plan following your session. 

  • What else should I know about BB Glow treatment?

    As mentioned, when your BB Glow session is complete, it is a good idea to avoid direct sun, high heat, swimming, or significant sweating for at least 72 hours. 

    It is also advised that you do not wear makeup on the area for the next day. You should also avoid harsh soaps, scrubs, or cleansers for at least 24 hours.

    We will provide you with a detailed plan for how to best care for your skin following the treatment. It is our goal to deliver the results you’re looking for. That’s how we have so many satisfied customers! If you have any other questions about this treatment or any of our options, please do not hesitate to reach out. We’re here for you in any way you need. 

  • How does the IPL treatment process work?

    Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is also sometimes called a “photofacial.” The therapy works by targeting certain colors in your skin. A handheld device is used to direct light energy on the area. This light operates on multiple wavelengths, heating the cells in the skin. 

    The pigment that is being targeted in the skin, absorbs the light energy and unwanted cells (such as dark spots, freckles, age spots, etc.) are destroyed. The treatment is not just used to treat specific issues, but it can also cause your skin to look more even and, therefore, younger. 

    We can help you determine if IPL is the right option for you. 

  • How long is a session?

    In most cases, an IPL session typically lasts about 20 to 30 minutes. However, to achieve the results you’re looking for, it may be recommended to complete 3 to 6 sessions, spaced about one month apart.

    The number of sessions will depend on your skin, your condition, and the desired results you’re looking for.

    Before the sessions begin, we will help you understand everything you need to know about the process, including how long it will take and how many sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired results. We want you to be completely satisfied with your treatment, so we’re always here to answer any questions you may have. 

  • Is there any downtime after treatment?

    For most people, there is little to no downtime following a session. Nearly everyone is able to return to most of their normal activities almost immediately. 

    During the process, you may feel a slight stinging, but many people do not feel much significant discomfort. A numbing cream can be applied before treatment starts, and this can help with any potential discomfort. We want you to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during your sessions, so we’re here for you with anything you may need. 

    As with all facial and skincare treatments, it’s important to receive them from someone with experience. We have years of successful experience in IPL sessions and other skincare treatments. 

  • What should I do after receiving IPL?

    It is typically recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours following your session. It’s also a good idea to avoid direct sun exposure during this time. The sun can damage your skin, so staying out of the sun and using sunscreen when you’re outside are important steps to take. 

    If you experience any swelling or stinging following the session, these responses are normal. A moist cloth or cool pack can help soothe these issues. We will help you understand the best possible post-care routine and give you all the information you need for taking care of your skin following your treatment. We want you to look and feel your best!

Nordlys IPL Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL Treatment) is a process that uses light energy to target a specific color in your skin. The pulsating light heats your skin, getting rid of unwanted cells. Since certain colors are targeted, the end result is often more even skin tone, which helps you look younger and more refreshed.

IPL treatments can help those who are dealing with sun damage, age spots, broken blood vessels, splotchy skin, scars, freckles, spider veins, and many other issues and conditions.

Talking to our expert team can help you understand if this is the right treatment for you. We can help you find the solution that is best for your situation. 

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Before & After Pictures From Nordlys IPL Treatments

Check out a few of our before and after photos from the Nordlys IPL treatment, where we tackled issues like pigmentation and skin texture!


Microdermabrasion Treatment (Power Peel)

Power peel microdermabrasion is a non-aggressive exfoliating treatment that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, giving you a firmer and more youthful look.

Micro-crystals are projected onto your skin, scrubbing off the top layer of dead cells. They are then vacuumed away by the technician, leaving your skin looking and feeling as good as new. Searching for microneedling with PRP? You’ve found the right place!

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive process that can help reduce the signs of aging as well as soften age spots, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and much more.

The process also stimulates the production of collagen, which helps make your skin look more youthful and refreshed. We can help you understand if this is the right facial treatment for you!

A woman getting microdermabrasion
  • What conditions can microdermabrasion treat?

    Microdermabrasion is used to treat many different conditions and issues. It can help those who are dealing with sunspots, acne scars, rough skin, pigmentation issues, fine lines, and much more. 

    It essentially works by providing deep exfoliation to your skin, scrubbing off dead skin, and leaving fresh, new skin to grow. This skin will be softer, more even, and more refreshed than before.

    In addition, microdermabrasion can also help stimulate collagen production in your skin. This not only helps your skin look younger, but the additional collagen will fill gaps in your skin such as fine lines and scars. You’ll have a more even and revitalized appearance. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical exfoliating treatment. This means that there is no downtime following a session and very limited side effects.

    You may feel a slight stinging, but there is typically very little discomfort during a session. Afterward, your skin may look slightly pinker than usual while the new skin generates and grows, but this should not last very long.

    Having microdermabrasion done by an experienced professional is important. At Elite Laser Esthetics, we have years of experience in providing safe and effective skin treatments. If you have any questions about any of our options, we’ll be more than happy to discuss them with you and help you understand the benefits. 

  • How long does it take?

    A typical microdermabrasion session takes anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes, and potentially the entire process including preparation and cleansing can take about an hour. The process can be combined with a complete facial treatment, and this will increase the time. However, the benefits will likely also be greater and you’ll leave looking and feeling more refreshed and renewed.

    In general, most people see the greatest benefit from having several microdermabrasion sessions. Depending on your skin condition and the results you’re looking for, it may be recommended that you do anywhere from 4 to 12 sessions, spaced from anywhere between two and four weeks apart. We will help you understand the optimal schedule for your situation. 

  • What should I do after treatment?

    Following microdermabrasion, it’s a good idea to avoid direct sun exposure. The sun can be quite damaging to your skin, especially following an exfoliating treatment. This means avoiding direct sunlight for at least a few days and properly applying sunscreen when you are exposed to the sun. 

    It’s also a good idea to avoid exfoliating creams for at least a few days to allow your skin to recover and grow.

    You may also wish to start a new skincare routine following your treatment. This will help boost the effectiveness of the sessions. Ask us how you can best treat your skin following a microdermabrasion session. We are here for you to help you look and feel your best.

  • What can I expect from the radiofrequency skin tightening process?

    Radiofrequency skin tightening is a non-surgical process that uses heat to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the framework of your skin and what gives it its firmness. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and that means more wrinkling and sagging.

    The RF waves released through the treatment generate heat and this heat causes new collagen to be produced. Your skin will both look and feel younger following the treatment.

    Some people notice results immediately following a session, but it may take some time to achieve maximum results. With proper skincare, you should expect the results to be long-lasting. 

  • Is there any downtime or side effects?

    Radiofrequency skin tightening is a safe process that is completely non-invasive. This means you will likely experience little to no side effects and there is no downtime following a treatment. In general, you will probably be able to return to your regular activities shortly after your session.

    Some people will feel some soreness or tingling following a session, but those should disappear quite quickly. Your skin may have some redness or feel more sensitive for a short time as well, but these symptoms should go away in just a day or two. Our team can help you understand all potential issues and plan for the best post-treatment care routine. 

  • How long is the treatment process?

    Each radiofrequency skin tightening treatment session will take about 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the issue you are having treated as well as other factors. In some cases, it may be recommended to do several sessions, spaced out, to achieve the results you’re looking for.

    At Elite Laser Esthetics, we want all of our customers to feel completely comfortable with their treatment options. Before we begin, we will explain to you how long we expect each session to take and whether we believe additional sessions will be necessary. This will help set your expectations for treatment and provide the best possible experience. 

  • What should I do after radiofrequency skin tightening?

    It’s important to stay hydrated following a radiofrequency skin tightening session. Proper hydration is good for your skin and drinking plenty of water can help produce a better result. 

    While you can gently clean your face, it’s recommended to avoid vigorous rubs and other treatment or cleaning methods that could damage your delicate skin. Our team will help you understand the right skincare options for you post-treatment. We always want to ensure that you receive the high-quality care that you deserve. If you have any questions or if you’re looking for any additional skincare guidance, we’re here for you. 

Facial Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

Radiofrequency skin tightening is a non-surgical option which is designed to tighten your skin. As we age, our skin loses elasticity. This means that it is more likely to sag or wrinkle.

The radiofrequency skin tightening process uses energy waves to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production. The result is skin that is firmer, tighter, and free of wrinkles and fine lines. It can also help fight sun damage.

Talking to our professional team can help you understand if this is the right process for you. We want you to look and feel your best, and will help you choose the best facial treatment option for your situation.

A woman getting Facial Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

Ultra Anti-Aging Treatment

Elite Ultra anti-aging treatment is a 6-in-1 solution designed to turn back the clock and leave you looking and feeling younger and more refreshed. Using radiofrequency and ultrasound waves, the process smooths and tightens your skin, eliminating sagging, wrinkles, and other skin issues.

Since it is a non-surgical procedure, there’s no significant downtime and only minor discomfort for most patients. For most, the process is relaxing and reinvigorating. Plus, each session can be completed in just 20 to 30 minutes!

Speak with the team at our Miami facial spa to learn if this solution is a good choice for you. We’re here to help you look and feel your best..

Woman getting  Ultra Anti-Aging Treatment
  • What anti-aging treatments do you offer?

    We have extensive anti-aging experience and can work with you to help you find the right option. Our team has years of experience and a strong focus and dedication on helping people look and feel their best. 

    Radiofrequency and ultrasound wave treatments can help smooth and rejuvenate your skin while also stimulating collagen production. The end result is skin that is more even, younger-looking, and with wrinkles and fine lines that are less visible. We want you to experience a relaxing and confidence-boosting session, so we’re here for you in any way we can help. Talk to us to learn the right anti-aging and skin care tips for your unique situation. 

  • How many treatments will I need?

    Many people experience results following a single anti-aging session, but in most cases, a few sessions spaced apart can best achieve the desired results. We will explain the entire process to you before we begin, so you not only understand how many sessions we may recommend but also the type of results that are anticipated.

    Customer service is our top priority, and that means setting expectations and working to achieve the desired results. We know how important your skin is to you – it’s important to us too! We want you to leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, renewed, and with greater confidence. 

  • What’s the best anti-aging treatment for me?

    Each person’s skin is unique. This means that the treatment that’s best for one person won’t necessarily be the right choice for someone else. We truly understand this and work with our customers to explain all options, evaluate their potential effectiveness, and help you choose the right treatment for your needs.

    Our years of experience make us the right choice for skincare, anti-aging treatments, and more. Talk to our team about your issues and what you’d like to achieve. We can help you find the right option for you and give you the advice you need to help you care for your skin afterward, resulting in long-term improvements. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    Radiofrequency and ultrasound wave treatments are non-invasive, so you likely won’t experience any side effects or downtime. You may feel some redness or increased sensitivity in the area following the treatment, but these issues should not be very uncomfortable, and they should go away within a few days.

    We will always provide you with a post-treatment plan for caring for your skin. This not only reduces the risk of any minor side effects but also improves the effectiveness of the treatment. We want you to have great skin for the long term, so we’ll help you in any way we can. 

  • What makes microneedling work?

    Microneedling works by stimulating your skin to increase collagen and elastin production. As your skin heals, it will look younger, more even, and healthier. By using an advanced vitamin serum during the process, the effects are often increased.

    Microneedling works well for many different issues, including acne, dark spots, large pores, scars, stretch marks, sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, and much more. 

    When your skin is more elastic and often, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines is reduced. Following a correct skincare procedure after your treatment can be very beneficial. We will help you learn the right treatment for your situation.

  • How long is each session?

    Microneedling is not a lengthy process. This can be very beneficial as you won’t need to spend hours and hours receiving treatment. In fact, many sessions last less than 20 minutes. Afterward, you are free to return to many of your usual activities without issue. 

    Depending on your situation and the conditions you wish to improve, it could take several treatments to achieve desired results. In most cases, people need between 4 and 6 sessions.

    Our team will explain the process to you and set your expectations for how many sessions you’ll need and the results you can expect to see. 

  • Are there any side effects to be aware of?

    As this is a non-invasive and non-surgical option, there tend to be very few side effects. Some people will have minor pain during or after the process. You may also have red or sensitive skin for a few days. These issues will resolve themselves quickly. 

    When you come in to consult with our team, we will let you know everything that you can expect from the microneedling treatment process. We want to make this as relaxing, comfortable, and stress-free as possible. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know. We’re here for you in whatever way you need. 

  • What can I expect from the treatment?

    The microneedling process stimulates your body to produce more collagen. This means you’ll experience softer, more elastic, younger-looking skin. However, it could take time to see the results. Some people experience benefits right away, but others may need to wait a bit to see the effects.

    As mentioned, it usually takes several sessions to achieve the desired results. 

    When the process is complete, you will look and feel younger and likely have more confidence as well. When you look your best, it’s easy to feel good about yourself.

    If you have any other questions about microneedling or any of our facial treatment options, do not hesitate to ask. 

Micro Needling Vitamins Procedure

Microneedling can help your body produce more collagen, leaving your skin looking and feeling younger and firmer. By using fine needles in conjunction with a specialized vitamin serum, our expert team can increase the effects of the treatment, improving your skin and helping boost your confidence.

We understand the importance of choosing the right facial treatment for your situation. Each person is unique, and therefore each treatment is unique as well. We’ll review your circumstances, talk to you about your situation, and help you find a solution that will work for you and that you are comfortable with.

A woman getting a microneedling vitamins procedure

Venus Oxygen Facial

Elite Laser Esthetics's Venus Oxygen Facial is a revolutionary facial treatment that offers your skin the ultimate level of hydration and nourishment. With Active oxygen, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E infused in each step of the treatment, you can be sure that your skin will be deeply moisturized and balanced from within.

As the facial progresses, you’ll start to notice an immediate boost of radiance as dead skin cells are gently removed and replaced with fresh new ones. The end result? Soft and supple skin that’s glowing with vitality!

Make an appointment today to experience it for yourself!

Our Devices

Venus Legacy

The Venus Legacy device has revolutionized the industry of facial and body treatments. Elite Laser Esthetics have taken it to a whole new level with their Venus Oxygen Facial Service.

The advanced technology of this device stimulates collagen production and remodels the face, providing visible anti-aging results. It also increases oxygen levels in the tissues, improving hydration and leaving the skin looking soft, smooth and glowing. This pain-free treatment can be used to treat wrinkles, volume loss, cellulite as well as stretch marks.

With its versatile features, Elite Laser Esthetics' Venus Oxygen Facial Service is the perfect way to gain back your skin's youthfulness and radiance!

venus legacy machine

The Oxygeneo

Transform your skin with the power of oxygen and Elite Laser Esthetics' Venus Oxygen facial service! With our revolutionary Geneo device, you'll benefit from a combination of Radio Frequency, Oxygen pill (oxypods), Machine Massage, and Ultrasound technologies. This unique treatment infuses oxygen into the deeper layers of your skin to hydrate and tighten it while improving its texture. It will leave your skin looking refreshed and rejuvenated without having to endure the pain of traditional treatments.

The Geneo device works quickly, efficiently, and produces outstanding results. It takes just minutes to perform the procedure and you can expect to see results almost immediately––leaving you with smooth, glowing skin that's soft to the touch. Visit Geneo's website today to learn more about this device and how you can experience the power of oxygenated beauty for yourself!

geneo machine

Our Venus Oxygen Facial Process

  • Radio Frequency to open pores and enhance absorption of nutrients.

  • Oxygen pill (oxypods) which vary depending on the needs of the skin, for brightness, pigmentation and balance.

  • Machine Massage using specialized equipment to stimulate circulation.

  • Ultrasound to further enhance absorption of nutrients.

  • Hydration applied to finish up and lock in moisture. Additional 10 minutes of Venus Legacy, 5 minutes of mechanical massage, plus extra oxygen with LED lights are also available if required.


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